Restylane has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for dermal filling in areas around the mouth, nose, eyes and facial contours. Cosmetic dermal fillers are used to restore volume to areas of the face that have become sunken or developed folds and wrinkles. Restylane is offers a natural option for patients who wish to smooth the appearance of the skin, sculpt hollowed areas, and enhance certain features, such as the lips.
Did you know…that Restylane is composed of a natural sugar compound that is easily absorbed by the body? The compound – known as hyaluronic acid – naturally occurs in the body’s connective tissues; but quantities begin to deplete with age. Restylane is simply putting back what nature has taken away. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I a candidate for Escondido Restylane injections?
Restylane is minimally invasive and is bio-compatible with most patients. Because it is considered highly safe, most people over the age of 18 can qualify for the injections. If you have laugh lines, sagging under your eyes, or under-pronounced features that you want to enhance, Restylane could be right for you.
What should I expect during my Restylane treatment?
Your Escondido Restylane treatment will occur in an office setting. You may be placed under a local anesthetic to help manage pain during the procedure – particularly if you are getting lip injections. Your treatment site will be cleansed with an antiseptic before the Restylane is injected beneath the skin. There may be minimal discomfort during the procedure, but you will be allowed to return home immediately.
What will happen after the procedure?
Following your Escondido Restylane treatment, you will see immediate results in the treatment area. You will be advised to avoid going out in the sun, though you may resume normal activities with caution. It is normal to experience some swelling for the first 48 to 72 hours following the injection, which will eventually subside and leave you with fuller facial features for up to six months or more.